Thursday, September 23, 2010

Heart felt hugs

I never thought that a hug could fill the soul as much as a Thanksgiving dinner fills up your tummy! seriously, and sometimes it comes from the most unexpected people at the most unexpected moments, and bang!
There they are, out of the blue, someone holds you in his arms, and his good energy gets transfered into you, your heart fills up with love, your lungs fill up with beautiful air and you feel that someone just did some kind of CPR procedure on you, because you feel like you are back to life!
And I am not even talking about the romantic, chick flick kind of hug that makes you sigh and say ohhhhhh...
I am talking about so much more than that, there are so many categories... there is

The Hello Hug! the hug that my little niece gives me when I show up at her place preceded by an energetic run with open arms.

The Bye bye Hug! everytime I tell my little nephew that I have to go and he makes this sad face with an upside down smile and teary eyes and then I tell him that I'll be back very soon and we will play with his race cars, and boom there it is, a long hug with a tiny head pressed in my shoulder.

The Comforting Hug! that my mom gives me, those are good! when I tell her that I feel very very sad because I miss my hubby, and then she hugs me really tight, and I am transported to my child years and start crying in her shoulder and she whispers sweet words in my ear.

The I missed you Hug! That my bro and sis have given me in so many airports, when I show up in the scalator and run to meet them, and cry and tell them how wonderful they look and how much I missed them and how happy I am to see them.

The I will miss you Hug! That I have given to my hubby so many times, when I have to leave once again to my long trips and I just glue to him, feeling him, trying to record his smell, and his shape in my body, so that we can still feel each other when we are far away.

The Where in the world have you been Hug! this it the most recent I have felt and it was wonderful! and it was given to me by my very special coach, who I hadn't seen in several months, it was long, warm and heart felt and it made me feel at home again, it made me feel special, missed, loved. It brought me back to life after a very tough dry patch I was going thru, and he has no idea how much it meant to me.

And that's why I love sincere hugs so much, because they are given generously, without further intentions, or secret agendas, they are for free and still they have so much value!

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