Wednesday, November 24, 2010

They are not dying, they are just letting go...

The other day, my sister was driving her 3 year old son home, and she told him to look at the trees… the wind was blowing that day and there were hundreds of leaves falling from the trees and filling the roads in yellow and red layers of colors, she told him to see how the trees were losing them all and they were being left with nothing in their branches.

The little one, asked his mom in a very worried and concerned tone if they were dying.
Trying to explain herself and to evaporate his sadness, preoccupation- and possible future traumas- she replied that they were just fine, that the leaves were becoming very heavy and since the cold months are in their way, the trees needed to rest and let them go.

Yesterday, as I was speaking with my hubby on the phone, I was observing the very same amazing show of leaves falling in a magic dance and described to him how beautiful the trees look during Autumn, and that now that Winter is arriving, all the trees will just die.

He clarified that they were not dying, they were just letting them go, but the same trees will be back into action next Spring…Wait a minute, I know that, then why did I end up jumping to that very same conclusion? I guess in the back of my mind, letting go was synonym of dying…

And I guess if we humans were trees, the situation of the transition between the seasons of Fall and Winter would be as follow:

We’d be hanging out with our neighbors, other fancy trees with gorgeous green leaves during Summer time, we would all start changing colors, and probably with a little bit of worry we’d start trying to interpret and understand what that could possibly mean.

But when the tree next to us started losing its leaves, we’d be mortified, first we would be apprehensive that the same would happen to us, and we’d be afraid, we’d want to stay away and when we’d start losing our first leaves, we’d blame him for infecting us, then we’d hate him, and we’d start hanging on to all the leaves that for now would be brown and dry. We would ask for help to the birds, we’d try to bribe them to not go and help us keep the leaves in the right place, we’d try to put the leaves that start falling into our pockets (if trees had pockets, of course) and we’d try so hard to keep’em all… there would be drama, there would be tragedy, pity parties and tears, lots and lots of tears… but of course we would still want the new blossoms that come with the first showers of Spring, because we as humans want it all… we are not willing to let go, but we also want great things coming our way,
we are greedy!

 I really believe that in order to get new things, we should be willing to let go the old ones… to get new habits we have to let go a lot of bad stuff, to experience new things, we have to let go the status quo.

There is an old saying “Better the devil you know, than the devil you don't know”, I don’t like it, for me that’s just an excuse to not try new things, that’s a justification of our fears.

Of course, there is no certainty that things will go all right, but what if they are fun?

When we see life thru the eyes of right vs wrong, of success vs failure, of gain vs lose, we are doomed, because we just don’t know, and we will never know for sure; I seriously think that life is more than a yes/no question, there is not only black and white, grey is full, is abundant and is fulfilling, is not judgmental and is not polarized.

When things go great, then awesome, we achieve. But when things go messy, nasty, tough, and hard, that’s when we learn, that’s when we grow, that’s when our character and temper are tested, that’s when we really know who we are and who our true friends are.

It’s not that we go thru life wanting bad or complicated things to happen to us.

But since we can’t prevent them from happening, what meaning does it have to live without taking risks? When we don’t let fear and uncertainty paralyze us, that’s when we really start to live fully and freely.

Trees don’t know that the leaves will grow back, they don’t know that there are cold months ahead with nothing but snow and dry air, they don’t know that after that there will be a reward of humidity, blossoms, and new fruit, they don’t know anything, but they still let go. I think there’s a lot of wisdom behind this nature process, a lot we can all learn a little bit from.

I don’t know what’s next for me, I have no idea where I will be next year, or even within 3 months, but I know for sure that there are new things heading my way, new is good, change is good, change means options, and options are always friends with freedom.

I guess confidence doesn’t come from knowing things will be all right, but from knowing that we will be all right no matter what happens.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I really believe that if I was not a mermaid in a previous life, I will be one the next time I am born...

I love water!!!
Being underwater is magic to me, there is silence, there is peace, there is perfection.
My body is capable of rolling, swinging, dancing, all in slow motion, it feels like flying, I have never been in outer space, but I think that is how it feels to be in zero gravity... the movements flow beautifully.

I love to swim because it brings me to a spiritual layer, it puts me in the zone, my soul feels replenished and I can just be me. I have swum while smiling, and I have done it while crying, and everything in between...
And you know what?
No one cares, no one is looking, it is just me with myself, with my thoughts, with my dreams, with my fears. And that is what freedom tastes like to me.

My husband knows me so well now, that he knows that when I am stressed or sad, all I need is a good dose of swimming, not only as a workout, but as an environment.
He knows that as soon as my feet get to touch the water in any pool/river/creek/or lake and my body gets fully immersed, a huge smile appears in my face, immediately!
That is the effect it produces in me, it never fails, it soothes me.

Psychologists might say that it reminds me of what I felt when I was in my mom's womb... I do not know that, I was a little too young to remember, but it is always good to know the things that puts us in peace with ourselves, with our realities, and with our world.

And every time we are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, frustrated or stressed, just try to go back to it, as a refugee for a tired soul and allow it to work its magic and get us recharged and back into action.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Things I am loving today...

A: The Colors of the Fall...
they are insane!!! the amazing, unbeliavable tones in the leaves of every single tree, that is something to die for!

B: The after work picnics in the park,
It has become a new routine, I just sit on the grass, with my new best friend: The Greek Yogut, just the two of us, while I devour it -and even lick the lid- look at the pond, smile at the ducks and their funny behavior, get mesmerized by the blinking reflection of the sun in the water, smell the fresh air of mid November, and appreciate all the beauty, peace and calm around.

C: The anticipation of the weekend,
that is going to be full of a few projects here and there, cooking my first pumpking bread, packing boxes to get ready to move, kicking the ball, playing baseball, hockey and basketball with my 3 year old nephew, watching his big sis' last soccer game of the season, my early morning run on Saturday, jumping rope on Sunday - And grab my dusty bike again, fill the tires, and hit the road -.

D: Speaking on the phone for hours with my hubby again,
sharing everyday stories, jokes and anecdotes. Because I was reminded this week how easy it is to lose the things and people you really love, for taking them for granted!
I have a great husband and feel so grateful because I have him and his love in my life, he makes me extremely happy and I am counting the days to see him again.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Crazy Workout! and the sock headband...

So Tuesdays I'm supposed to run.
Last week I got lazy, besides the fact it was pouring and we were in 30's and... I know I'm just lazy...
Anyway, I knew yesterday I wasn't going to skip my workout, so I went to get lunch to my apartment and packed my gym bag in like 30 secs, because I realized I also wanted to go to my niece's & nephew's ice skating lesson, since I'm leaving in less than a month and I miss them already!
So I realized that if I wanted to do it all, I had to get organized, since I only had 1 hour and 45 minutes till the start of the practice and I was 20 miles away, no room for error!.
I decided to change into my running gear at work, which I NEVER do, especially because I work in an Engineering company, meaning: gray haired folks, old fashioned, highly conservative, very sedentary kind of men. But since yesterday It felt more like a desert island around there, I was brave and went for it, praying all the time I wouldn't run into my boss in my way out.
I finally made up my mind about what location to choose for my running (I love romantic scenarios of Fall season!) and it was kind of half way between my office and the skating center. After all the traffic, and exasperating slow drivers in the left lane, and the school zones, I made it to the park at 4:45pm, which left me an hour away from the beginning of the half hour skate practice, and I was still 10 miles away!, so I plugged my ipod really quick, put my car key into my wrist pocket, and grabbed what I thought was my headband, closed the door behind me and rushed to get started.
20 steps later, I realized I had a sock in my hand instead of the silly headband, so I ran back to the car, looked for the real thing and got my heart monitor started, 5 minutes later!
Although with a rough start, and stressful timelines to make, the run was peaceful and wonderful. This park has Hills!!! and if you live in the Alps, or the Andes or the Rocky mountains that would be the regular stuff, well here in Dallas, everything, everywhere is flat, flat and flatter! I enjoyed those slopes as much as the cookie dough ice cream I had last Tuesday (when I slacked on my routine! I told you I got lazy!!!) and breathed in the cool air of fall, enjoyed the gorgeous palette of colors that all the trees were showing, going from yellow, to orange, red and to the old but always great green. It was magical and all 45 minutes were great... I ignored my Heart Rate, pace, and distance, and decided to go for a comfortable kind of run, turning out to be more intense than what I'd originally thought. I guess I got carried away by those damn pretty trees.
I was sitting in my car by 5:35 pm, ten minutes before the kiddos' practice, no stretching at all (which today I totally regret!) and although in a hurry, and sweaty, I was still in the high of the endorphines, and despite the horrendous traffic due to construction in the highway, I was only 5 minutes late, I changed my stinky t-shirt, put on my jacket, gloves and boots and ran into the ice ring area... but you know what? although hectic and crazy, the smiles and kisses from the little ones made every single second of that race against the clock worth it... (and they did not complain about their sweaty smelly aunt at all!) that's why I love them so much, because they love me no matter what.