Friday, November 12, 2010

Things I am loving today...

A: The Colors of the Fall...
they are insane!!! the amazing, unbeliavable tones in the leaves of every single tree, that is something to die for!

B: The after work picnics in the park,
It has become a new routine, I just sit on the grass, with my new best friend: The Greek Yogut, just the two of us, while I devour it -and even lick the lid- look at the pond, smile at the ducks and their funny behavior, get mesmerized by the blinking reflection of the sun in the water, smell the fresh air of mid November, and appreciate all the beauty, peace and calm around.

C: The anticipation of the weekend,
that is going to be full of a few projects here and there, cooking my first pumpking bread, packing boxes to get ready to move, kicking the ball, playing baseball, hockey and basketball with my 3 year old nephew, watching his big sis' last soccer game of the season, my early morning run on Saturday, jumping rope on Sunday - And grab my dusty bike again, fill the tires, and hit the road -.

D: Speaking on the phone for hours with my hubby again,
sharing everyday stories, jokes and anecdotes. Because I was reminded this week how easy it is to lose the things and people you really love, for taking them for granted!
I have a great husband and feel so grateful because I have him and his love in my life, he makes me extremely happy and I am counting the days to see him again.

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